Monday, July 13, 2009

Sun, Planet & Stars Circle Time (among other things)

SO....the boys have been MAJORLY into planets and stars and the like since they started catching Zula Patrol (qubo) a few times a week. It's a pretty scientific show, but disguised with lots of fun. (I know, I know, science IS fun, right?) So I went to the library and checked out all the books on planets and stars that I could find, and we have been having LOTS of fun with it.

Circle time is a totally fun idea that I LOVE, but have only been able to do a few times. I didn't have a plan for today, but it just came together, which was probably a working of the Holy Spirit. Here's how it went:

Hello Song (from our Music class)

You Are My Sunshine (working on beat, clapping, fast and slow)
Twinkle Twinkle (same as above)

Learning about the Sun
-Is the sun hot or cold?
-Is the sun big or small? (You get the idea)

Talking about the planets
-Naming the planets (keep in mind, we've been doing this for two weeks! John Paul knows them in order and with the asteroid belt included)

-Counting stars (to 20)
-Counting backwards for take off...they really liked this one!

Language Arts/Imagination:
-I told a story about three astronauts named John Paul, Joseph, and Maria and how they went to the moon. It was quite involved and we did a lot of jumping around and talking about what it's like to have less gravity. This was really fun for all of us.

-We drew some planets, constellations, etc. Well, circles and dots, but that's what they look like, right?? :)

And then we trailed off for something else...probably a snack or a fight or the baby woke up!

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