Monday, December 7, 2009


I love reading these, so I thought I'd do one too. :)

Outside my window…

It's 1:25pm and snowing lightly--hooray! The grass is still poking through and the houses across the street look like a Christmas card. Now, don't get me wrong. I will be the first to complain about the snow when I have to travel anywhere or do anything. But it's sooo nice to look at.

I am thankful for…
The many years I got to spend with my Grandma Sue...My three wonderful babies and their super handsome and holy father. He's such a blessing, really. Oh, and that Brett Favre fell on his face (several times) during the Viking game last night. That was classic.

From the kitchen...
A delicious sausage dish for the Packer game tonight, homemade egg nog, and molasses cookies. I love me some Christmas food. :)

I am wearing...
An apron, among other things.

To Be Fit and Happy...
The good news--I went on a jog this morning! The bad news--it's my first jog in several (or more) weeks. I really am going every day this week though. Pray for me--the spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak. (Especially at 6:20am)

I am Pondering:
The depth of love between siblings--my own siblings and my children. And making blogging a bigger priority because of how it makes me think about my life on a grander scale. Oh, and listening to my kids more--really listening.

I am Reading:
I confessed last week that I'm not reading anything! Well, that's not entirely true. I just finished this book and am paging through its companion, "Beyond the Birds and the Bees." Highly recommend both, although there is some major overlap. I also am plugging through The Forge by St. Josemaria Escriva, and am reading several of his homilies for spiritual reading. I also highly recommend these.

I am Thinking:
St. Nick brought me some gum, but every piece has been unwrapped. Not chewed, just unwrapped. Thanks Joey...

I am Creating::
An updated order with a better cleaning schedule. Trying to sanctify my duties, and smile about it.

Towards a Real Education::
We've taken a break from any preschool lessons and are just filling ourselves with the books and music of the season. We're enjoying each other, trying to grow in virtue, and trying not to yell so much. ;)

Towards Rhythm and Beauty:
Beauty...we'll get our tree tomorrow on the Feast of the Immaculate Conception. It works out nicely since Pete has the day off, so we're REALLY going to celebrate, and make a day of it. And we'll even go out to eat. I'm SO excited.

To Live the Liturgy:
We had gingerbread pancakes for the feast of St. Nicholas, and we'll have chicken enchiladas for Our Lady of Guadalupe this weekend. Yum. I love liturgical feasts.

I am Hoping and Praying:
For my newly pregnant best friend. She's so wonderful and all my prayers are with her and her family in this JOYFUL time. :) For the soul of my Grandma Sue, and for our family. For a number of friends who are expecting or have newborns. For my sweet little brother. For a friend reovering from surgery, and another dealing with matters of the heart. For attentiveness, patience, diligence, discretion, and generosity for myself.

Around the House:
After nearly a full week out of town, the house needed a rescue. Pete came through and did five loads of laundry and deep cleaned the living room. What a guy. Still trying to follow FlyLady so I can keep my head above water!

One of My Favorite Things:
Maria shrieking with excitement every time she sees her Daddy. She really is a Daddy's girl, and it's so precious.

A Few Plans for the Rest of the Week: Packer game tonight, play group Wednesday, and lots of peppermint bark from the kitchen. It really is the most wonderful time of the year...

Friday, December 4, 2009


Today, I'm really in the mood to write but I lack direction. So, I'm going to do 7 Quick Takes Friday and blurt out all my randomness in one post.


My Grandma Sue died last weekend. It happened more quickly than I thought it would and although I got to say goodbye, there was no time to linger and enjoy the last precious moments of lucidity that cancer patients often have. I am sad about that. But I am confident that she knows how much gratitude I have for her and the sacrifices that she made for her family. And I pray that God grants her eternal rest.


I did a really awesome Advent schedule for the kids and assigned each day a letter and an activity. We're on the sixth day of Advent, and we've done two activities. Elizabeth's Article helped me feel better about that. You should read it.


I need to get back to my morning jog. My pants are begging me. It's a good thing I don't have the budget to buy new pants every time I go up a size. That could be catastrophic.


I am so grateful for the many dear dear friends whom God has placed in my life. I wish I could talk to them every day. However, that is clearly not my calling, and so I thank God that they are forgiving and loving and don't mind when I don't immediately return phone calls or emails.


My baby girl is so much less "into things" than my baby boys were. That's pretty great. I hope the trend continues. Oh, and she's so cute. I am crazy in love with all three of my kids. Even when they're naughty.


I'm currently not reading anything right now (gasp) except for my St. Josemaria devotional. It's because I have a fine at the library. I can't even go in there because I get all anxious that everyone knows how irresponsible I am. Overreact much? Yeah, I do.

I'm going to family holy hour tonight, which is great because I get to see Jesus and many of my friends. And because everyone brings their noisy, rambunctious kids, I don't have to worry too much about mine. It's a judge free zone. If you don't have a family holy hour at your parish, you need one. Really.

God bless (and thanks for reading)!