Saturday, April 25, 2009

A Friday for the Boys

Today, Mommy took the day off from anything educational! Pete had off today, so he took his little fellows to the park and on a hike in the woods. Apparently, they had a blast, and they came back dirty and tired, the best way to end a day if you're a little boy. I heard about a squirrel, a goose, a stream, and a really big hill. I guess John Paul ran really fast down the hill....until he fell right on his face. "I only cried a little bit," he told me.
Joey decided not to nap today, and instead spent the better part of an hour singing Old McDonald and the 12 Days of Christmas as he lay in his bed. Oh Joey, what a sweet boy you are!

1 comment:

  1. Ah...this kid reminds me of my son. Great
